Skin Irregularities

Skin Tags, Raised Age Spots, Broken Capillaries, Milia and more. 

Our Electrodessication medical grade equipment, uses radio, high frequency technology to treat minor skin abnormalities, without penetrating the skin’s surface.

The discomfort level experienced is tolerable, with the sensation produced feeling much like a tight pinch to the skin. No anesthesia is required.

Can skin tags can be removed?
Do you have any bothersome skin conditions such as a skin tag or raised fibroma? We understand how these unsightly superficial irregularities can hinder self confidence on an everyday basis. It is an excellent alternative to remove those unwanted skin tags without having to pay thousands of dollars.

How does it work?
It combines high frequency wavelength technology for the rapid removal of minor skin irregularities such as telangiectasia, spider veins, cherry angiomas, fibromas, skin tags, hyper pigmentation, milia, cholesterol deposits and acne pimples.

The procedure is non-invasive and provides excellent results. The current arcs through the skin, attracting your skin’s natural moisture to the affected areas, resulting in natural healing. Results can be seen instantly, and the procedure requires little to no down time.